I haven't listened to this yet, but I can't help thinking that we are in a seriously bad way. Scotty Mac said it's a team in crisis (Crisis, what Crises?) and it kind of seems that way:

- The team is seriously flawed right now. No way we are making the playoffs. Let's be realistic.

- It looks like our much anticipated competitive window that we were all excited about is closing fast

- So many of our core players have not met expectations

- The minors are pretty bare - there's no next wave on the immediate horizon.

- Springer looks done, but his contract is not

- If we want to attract premier free agents, who will want to come here now?

- Even if we want to extend Vlad and Bo, would they even want to stay? Or seek greener pastures?

- Does Jansen or any other pending free agent we want to keep actually want to stay?

- The players we could likely trade at the trade deadline to yield best return are either injured or starting to play poorly (Garcia, Kikuchi)

I could go on and be even more gloomy, but right now, the future just seems so bleak. Where did it all go wrong?

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I like Scotty Mac but his takes have been awful for a while. Nothing but red meat for people who want to be super angry. Anyway they have a bunch of money coming off the books, will be able to sign people, have some talent in the upper minors, and still some decent core pieces. They could very easily be fine, I just think it’s going have to be a 2013 Red Sox kind of thing, which is a model that works even better in the three-wild-card era than it did then. I expect a couple years of rolling the dice that way while waiting for more from the farm/trades to develop—hopefully with someone else in charge.

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True. Still, there’s no sugar coating the fact that we are in a pickle and this is not what we had hoped for or expected after 9 years of buy-in.

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Just listened and thought it was a great episode. Totally agree about the discussion about John Schneider. Would Stephen Vogt have had a better result this season with this team? Doubtful. Ultimately it comes down to player performance. There's only so much a manager can do about that.

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Starting to feel like being a fan in the early 00's again. Albeit back then we simply could not compete with the economic juggernauts in New York and Boston, now we just can't get out of our own way....ugh. I only watch the games now because I'm a fan, I no longer have hope for the playoffs this year.

I can't recall the last time our farm system was this run down. It's going to legit suck to be a Jays fan for a few years, isn't it...

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