I'm "AA trades for Tulo and Price" levels of excited right now.

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"We’ve all been cheated in our lives at some point or another, and yes it fucking sucks. But some people would dismantle entire social safety nets out of fear that a few might abuse the system and end up getting something they don’t deserve."

So what I'm hearing is we need to means-test PED usage? Say, if your SLG is below .300 over 150 PAs, you get to juice until it's above .350. /s

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Good stuff as always Stoeten. If I become a founding member can I crash on your couch when in the GTA?

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No mention of the person(s) responsible for taking the wind out of the Springer story with erroneous, unconfirmed reports of a Michael Brantley deal? What is your take on that?

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I'm mostly with Tom on that one, I think. Rosenthal said he had confirmed it, as did some peripheral folks. I don't doubt that people were hearing something -- even when other guys like Olney started to walk it back they were hedging like it might just be a formality. But maybe those guys know less than we believe! That, I guess, is what I'm saying was the lesson of Tuesday. But Hazel has broken transaction stuff before. I think she's sourced and surely had reason to feel confident with reporting it. No clue what may have happened after that -- medical issue? side trade fell apart? Astros swooped in with a hail mary? -- but hopefully we find out.

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If those 'rumours' didn't come to light would the Astros have signed him yesterday. I suspect the answer is no. Interesting how media can be used in sports negotiations these days.

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Shit happens.

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