I think I read that Gausman was also quite sick for the Baltimore game and was actually on intravenous fluids before the game? I think the real issue with Gausman is hygiene. He tosses his gum on the field as he walks back to the dugout after most innings. Who cleans that up? Are there Covid-safe protocols in place? Does it damage the new turf? Someone needs to get some insights on this from the grounds crew.

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"It's startin' to come together Pepper. It's startin' to come together". Will there be a time when we do not always feel this way about the Jays? Last night was beautiful. It was indeed a breath of fresh air (especially since Gausman is on my fantasy team), but am I alone in thinking we've yet to see this team hitting on all cylinders?

I suppose this is the workings of a young team. I'm still not sure we've ever seen the confident hum of everything working together on a regular basis. If it ever does this would indeed be a formidable team that strikes fear in the hearts of other clubs. It always seems not quite there. I'd like to see us hit the top of the power rankings before the end of the season and witness a series where the Yankees get served up a big fat bowl of their shredded pinstripes!

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Lol. Same! And yeah, they definitely haven't had everything working at once quite yet. I think that's coming though... once they sort this Kikuchi thing out.

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