MORE AUDIO!: Blue Jays Happy Hour - Ep. 43: Season review/playoff preview (plus my appearance on Tall Can Audio!)
Just a quick one to give you the details about Wednesday's podcast, where you can listen, when you can catch us next, plus my recent appearance on Tall Can Audio!
The Blue Jays have made the playoffs! On Wednesday the regular season schedule ended with two pointless games in Baltimore, and now the Blue Jays are on their way home to kick off on Friday a best-of-three series against the Seattle Mariners for the right to face the Houston Astros in the ALDS. It’s really happening!
And so, with the most exciting time of the year finally upon us, we took a look back at how the Jays got here, what we made of the season, who surprised us in a good way, who surprised us in a bad way, and what the potential pitfalls of a very tricky short series with the Mariners might be.
Have a listen!
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Be sure to get the Callin app and follow us on there so you can tune in live when we’re back at it next: Pre-game on Saturday!!
And for those that couldn’t catch us live on Wednesday, as always you can listen to the show after the fact in places like…
Apple Podcasts…
…as well as Spotify, Google Podcasts, or your podcast app of choice!
And there’s more! On Wednesday afternoon I had a chance to sit down with Matt Robinson of Tall Can Audio for a lengthy talk about the Jays, the playoffs, the road ahead and more. Have a listen to that one, too!

You can also catch this one on your podcast app of choice, like Apple Podcasts…
…or the other usual suspects, like Spotify, or Google.
⚾ Be sure to follow me on Twitter // Follow the Batflip on Facebook // Want to support without going through Substack? You could always send cash to stoeten@gmail.com on Paypal or via Interac e-Transfer. I assure you I won’t say no. ⚾
If folks are looking for another viewing/listening experience I can highly recommend watching the last Red Sox - Tampa game as it was the farewell broadcast by Dennis Eckerseley. Not everyone may feel the same (hello David Price!), but he was my favourite baseball announcer by far. I'm biased as he was also my favourite player as a kid and gave me an autograph at the Ex, but it's great viewing. He'll be missed.