Just a quick one to give you the details about Wednesday's podcast, where you can listen, when you can catch us next, plus my recent appearance on Tall Can Audio!
If folks are looking for another viewing/listening experience I can highly recommend watching the last Red Sox - Tampa game as it was the farewell broadcast by Dennis Eckerseley. Not everyone may feel the same (hello David Price!), but he was my favourite baseball announcer by far. I'm biased as he was also my favourite player as a kid and gave me an autograph at the Ex, but it's great viewing. He'll be missed.
If folks are looking for another viewing/listening experience I can highly recommend watching the last Red Sox - Tampa game as it was the farewell broadcast by Dennis Eckerseley. Not everyone may feel the same (hello David Price!), but he was my favourite baseball announcer by far. I'm biased as he was also my favourite player as a kid and gave me an autograph at the Ex, but it's great viewing. He'll be missed.