Call me negative, but I just find it hard to believe that Soto or any other premier free agent would come to Toronto. It's all about the money, I get it, but other than that, I just don't see Toronto as a team and a city having much to offer to these players beyond what they could get in other places. It would be fascinating to hear what the sales pitch is to free agents.

Can you please give me some hope about why some of the better free agents would want to sign with the Jays?

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I mean, if we're being honest with ourselves the Soto thing seems pretty far fetched unless he truly is only about money. Could be the case though. Lots of guys take the biggest payday. I can't find any quotes offhand but Marcus Semien was at least *thought*, if he didn't outright say it, to have wanted to take the highest number to push what's possible for his union brothers behind him. It happens.

But beyond Soto, there are all the reasons we hear all the time—the city's great, the facilities are great, they treat families really well—plus the money, plus the fact that ownership has been really committed over the last several years, plus there are plenty of players around the league who will talk up the experience. Guys somletimes want better assurances to win than the Jays can credibly offer right now, so that will make it a tougher sell for some, but I don't think it's impossible at all.

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Thanks - agree, I don't think we'll be seeing Soto in a Jays uniform either. I guess I just am reading into the cracks....it's not 2020 or 2021 when the future seemed so bright, there's the seeming inability to extend Vlad (has to happen) and good old Rosie's 'shit show' player quote. Plus I came back to TO this year for the first time in 10 years and was horrified by the changes...and the traffic. Perhaps you don't notice it if you live there, but it's not the city I remember. For me, it was like the hobbits returning to the Shire in Lord of the Rings! Maybe all North American cities have become the same...don't know. But then....I have no idea what goes on in a professional baseball players mind when it comes to free agency.

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