A Zeke jersey! Truly a rare breed in the wild, exquisite to see it in its natural surroundings.

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I'll just repeat what I said on twitter a few days ago - assuming they don't fall off a cliff, this team should be *very* aggressive at the trade deadline. We all know what they need. #dingers

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Shades of an old joke here.

Starting pitcher's doing a post-game interview after allowing fifteen runs in a shutout loss and says:

"Pretty hard to win a ballgame if your guys don't score any runs for you."

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Coming at this from a slightly different direction, if they’re down by 3, I go do something else. This is the first season (and I hope the last), that I’ve ever done this. No faith in the offence.

And it compounds because then Schneider will naturally rely on lesser bullpen arms. Not that those guys are any worse than previous versions of the pen. Just that it makes it even less likely that the offence can overcome the initial deficit and whatever the relievers give up. Or at least that’s what it feels like to someone who has no faith in the offence.

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Totally agree. Honestly feels hopeless if we're even down one or two. Would be interested to see some stats on how we compare to the rest of the league tied, down one, down two, etc.

Reading this it seems that comebacks of any sort are actually pretty unlikely, more so than I would have thought: https://blogs.fangraphs.com/baseball-baselining-how-likely-is-a-comeback/

So maybe it's just confirmation bias.

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Jun 12Liked by Andrew Stoeten

You wearing Khakis? 😀

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