‘Rising from his diaper’. Sheer brilliance.

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I second that!

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It's the reason I subscribe!

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I always picture the OG Oompa Loompas dancing to the Apple TV block commercial music. And they gave the Yankee beat writer time in the booth, shoulda had Shi Davidi in their for equal representation. From chatty abundance of commentators, the horribly simple graphics, the obscuring the game we're watching for highlights and interviews, cameras consistently overexposed etc etc...eveything about Apple TV MLB sucks. Like the Yankees.

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Aug 22, 2022
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Agree completely on the Apple broadcast. Also, Katie Nolan seems wasted in the booth. Only nice thing I can say is it’s better than the YouTube broadcast.

And it doesn’t have to be bad. Can’t remember who we played, but I happened to watch the Peacock broadcast of the Jays game and it was really good! Three man booth and the two colour guys were from each team’s home broadcast crew. Tabby was in there and he was great! Admittedly, my expectations of Pat are sorta low, but he was genuinely good on that broadcast.

The other commentator happened to be a former pitcher so in addition to giving what I have to assume is accurate info on how the season has been going for the other team, he and Tabby had some great baseball convos from differing perspectives (pitcher vs batter). Tabby seemed to initiate a lot of it by asking questions about the pitcher perspective and he was genuinely good at moving things along. Tabby either has some unexplored interview skills or he’s just good at talking baseball with baseball guys. Or both! (Can’t believe I’m kinda gushing about Pat Tabler, but here we are.)

On the whole the Peacock broadcast was very enjoyable. Would definitely watch again if I get the chance.

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