Schneider from One Day at a Time was Canadian! *Eric Wareheim Galaxy brain.gif

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First off, thanks for the Atkins speaks as always! Great segments and one of the clearest differentiators of your site from any other Blue Jays commentary. Can always count on a perfect blend of insight, analysis, historical context, and humour. And, best of all, I don't have to actually listen to Atkins speak! Which is worth its weight in subscription money XD

I still think the big question is what went wrong in their vaunted process that led them to believe this offense was good enough, when it's been clear for about a year to everyone not employed by Rogers Blue Jays Baseball Partnership that it was not? This season is going pretty much exactly how I and many people expected it to go: pitching regressing to the mean after a pretty surprising 2023, not being so incredibly lucky on injuries as we were last year, and _not enough offense_. That's what I want to hear Ross grilled on: why could you and the brain trust not see what everyone else could? Or if you did see, why didn't you do anything about it?

To close, I'll just say that seeing the focus group meme, all I could think of was:

Fans: "A _great_ offense, that doesn't whiff out of the window while you're playing baseball. _That_ is a good idea."

Ross (lying): "Yeah, I wrote it down."

Fans (sarcastic): "Oh, nice..."

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