Same. I became a true fan in ‘05 and via affordable tickets I graduated to their previous flex pack system which was amazing - $800 for 20 x 200-level 1st row tickets that could be used ANYTIME, in ANY combination. Made it super easy to organize w friends etc. Now their ticket prices gouge, their inflexible “flex” packages rot and SportsnetNOW can suck a dog’s dick. I still love the damn Jays though. Sigh.
The Toronto Star pass was so huge; my story is similar (except for the writing part). Probably went to 70-ish games in 2006, and another 50+ in 2007 before I moved away. I was already a big fan, but this really solidified me.
Same. I became a true fan in ‘05 and via affordable tickets I graduated to their previous flex pack system which was amazing - $800 for 20 x 200-level 1st row tickets that could be used ANYTIME, in ANY combination. Made it super easy to organize w friends etc. Now their ticket prices gouge, their inflexible “flex” packages rot and SportsnetNOW can suck a dog’s dick. I still love the damn Jays though. Sigh.
The Toronto Star pass was so huge; my story is similar (except for the writing part). Probably went to 70-ish games in 2006, and another 50+ in 2007 before I moved away. I was already a big fan, but this really solidified me.