I think it takes 6 months to truly get a measure of a team.

I think there’s a lot of PTSD out there from last year for whatever reasons, the ‘weak’ offence being a big one. But you look at a box score and see 7 or 8 hits and you think ‘they can’t hit’ but 9 hits out of 27 is a team batting .300. And no team does that.

Gausman is a gem. The FO should get more credit for that FA signing than they do.

Clement vs IKF is going to be intriguing.

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Delete Twitter and those people cease to exist. It's great.

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Lol. Excellent point. But sadly I still rely on that dumb app to keep and build my audience and, ultimately, live. Not ideal!

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Hi Andrew. I got a button saying 'upgrade to paid' on this note. I think I am already paying you. Substack normally only asks me to 'upgrade to paid' on those newsletters I am subscribing for free. Can you check that you are actually getting money from me, because if that is not happening, we have a problem!

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Hey Laura, sorry for the confusion! If you're able to comment, you're all paid up—thank you for that! I insert that button manually myself and so Substack has no way of knowing whether the person seeing it is a free or a paid subscriber. And, at least for now, there isn't a way for me to hide it from anyone who is already paid. As soon as that's an option I'll be sure to hide it!

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I think there is a way to hide it -- otherwise I would have run into this situation before. It's hard for me to believe that all the other people I am sending money to don't want to convert unpaid subs to paid ones -- indeed they often have a paragraph suggesting this, but no button (for me). But hey, I don't know this for sure. I may have a lot of paying subscriptions, but I could still sing the 'small sample size' song compared to substack as as whole . ;)

Enough Blather.

Dear God, what if we and not the Red Sox had signed Turner last year!

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You make a good point. I'll look into it a little deeper!

Good start from Turner for sure! Belt was good last year though!

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Belt was indeed good. But something in my small-sample-sized soul believes that Turner willl bring home those RISP. I never believed in Belt the same way. I hoped, but I didn't trust ....

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